We’ve moved!

JJ Tiziou Photography has a beautiful new office/studio space at The Cedar Works in West Philly.

If you’re able, please  join us in celebrating at The Cedar Works’ Opening Party on Saturday April 13th, 7pm.

Open Studio / Cedar Works Opening Party:

Saturday April 13, 7pm
4919 Pentridge Street (map)
RSVP via Eventbrite
Invite friends via Facebook


After a decade of working from home, it’s pretty amazing to have a dedicated space and to be able to cultivate a bit more separation between work and personal spaces. And Megan and I are delighted to have such great neighbors as fellow photographers Conrad Erb and Lora Reehling, other artists such as Ken Beidler and Douglas Witmer, the amazing crew from Training for Change, and How Philly Moves participant Lunden Abelson.

The space is on the 4900 block of Pentridge, which is essentially the back side of the 4900 block of Baltimore Ave, so we’re delighted to have such fantastic neighbors as the Satellite cafe,  Dock Street Brewery, and Philadelphia Community Acupuncture. We’re easily accessible via the #34 trolley or #64 bus.

In addition to some office and artist studio spaces (a few of which are still available), The Cedar Works has a beautiful community meeting space which, with it’s gorgeous new floors, could also double as a dance rehearsal studio. If you know someone who might be interested in the space, feel free to bring them along to the opening, and/or put them in touch with Andy & Linford who run the building. They’re pretty great. (And so are you!)