Some of you might remember way back in 2010 when a young band from Boston called the David Wax Museum played a few amazing house concerts in my living room.
Or 2012 when this same fantastic group played the event that I hosted at Studio 34 to report-back on my time in Togo.
DWM have since gone on to great acclaim, playing big festivals, moving to Charlottesville, having babies & all the rest of life.
AND, as good luck would have it, they’re able to come back to Osage ave to share another special intimate evening of music with us.
(Yes, that same block of Osage that the horrible Arvilla evictions are happening on. This concert series is just one of the many richnesses that our neighborhood has to offer, and we’re heartbroken that our most vulnerable neighbors are being so unjustly pushed out.)
The shows that I host are always free / donation based, but this one’s gonna “sell out” in terms of capacity, so please be sure to RSVP:
Friday Feb 8th
Details & RSVP
And then, for more events like this, get on my mailing list & make sure it’s getting past your spam filters, as I’m deleting my social media profiles so email will be the best way to get those updates from me.
There’s a lot going on, and social media is getting in my way. I’d rather see you in person at the next show!