Indigenous People’s Day (Shackamaxon / Penn Treaty Park)

Walk Around Philadelphia Forums / Edge Events / Indigenous People’s Day (Shackamaxon / Penn Treaty Park)

  • Author
      • JJ
        September 5, 2024 at 6:50 am #72026

        Indigenous People’s Day Philly happens annually at Shackamaxon, where a treaty was signed between the Lenape people and the Quakers in 1682.

        This year, the event will happen on Monday October 14th… I’m planning to attend, and maybe even set up an info table for the walk (I’m waiting to hear back from organizers) – if you’d like to join me, let me know!


        • JJ
          September 5, 2024 at 6:50 am #72105

          PS confirmed, we should have a walk table set up at this event on Oct 14 and would love to see you there!

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