Fall 2024 walk events… save the date for Sept 29th!

Walk Around Philadelphia Forums / Edge Events / Fall 2024 walk events… save the date for Sept 29th!

  • Author
      • JJ
        September 9, 2024 at 2:41 pm #72047

        So we’ve got a whole pile of walk events in September:

        • 12 walk segments
        • 4 happy hours
        • 4 letterpress printing sessions
        • 4 virtual info sessions

        aaaaand… please SAVE THE DATE for Sunday Sept 29th, when we’re hoping that all the walkers can reconvene to hang out at the beer garden at Cherry Street Pier from 5-7pm for some finish line festivities to welcome the walkers from the final segment who will hopefully show up somewhere in that time window πŸ™‚

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