General Discussion
Here's where we can talk about the walk in general!
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1 day, 19 hours ago
Edge Events
Here's where we can talk about upcoming events that are happening on the city's perimeter as well as other walking-related events of interest.
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1 day, 19 hours ago
Route planning & research
Here's where we can talk about specific route options, challenges, etc.
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2 weeks ago
Daniel Jenks
Here's where we can talk about the city's edge over time... historic facts, changes, etc.
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2 weeks ago
Daniel Jenks
Tasty Treats
This is a forum to discuss potential snack food suggestions, great places to eat on or near the city's edge, and random questionable food offerings that we might find by the side of the road.
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1 month, 2 weeks ago
Missed Connections
Is there someone that you enjoyed connecting with during the walk, but forgot to offer them your contact info or ask for theirs? You can try posting here to reconnect with them...
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1 month ago
Ride sharing & traveling together
Use this forum to offer (or ask for) rides to Walk Around Philadelphia events or to coordinate travel with fellow walkers.
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2 days, 12 hours ago
Victoria Alfred-Levow