Bird sightings!

  • Author
      • Walk Around Philadelphia Admin
        February 28, 2025 at 4:26 pm #72913

        One of the walkers on the Feb 2 segment from Bridesburg towards Torresdale shared a list of birds that they saw/heard on their walk. We love to know who we are sharing the perimeter with!

        1. Canada Goose
        2. Mallard
        3. Bufflehead
        4. Common Merganser
        5. Rock Pigeon
        6. Mourning Dove
        7. Ring-billed Gull
        8. American Herring Gull
        9. Double-crested Cormorant (alas, upon further reflection realized I did not in fact see Great Cormorants at the boat launch)
        10. Great Blue Heron
        11. Downy Woodpecker
        12. Blue Jay
        13. Fish Crow
        14. Tufted Titmouse
        15. Golden-crowned Kinglet
        16. Brown Creeper
        17. Carolina Wren
        18. Winter Wren
        19. European Starling
        20. Northern Mockingbird
        21. American Robin
        22. House Sparrow
        23. House Finch
        24. American Goldfinch
        25. Dark-eyed Junco
        26. White-throated Sparrow
        27. Song Sparrow
        28. Fox Sparrow
        29. Northern Cardinal
        • Daniel Jenks
          March 11, 2025 at 9:34 am #72937

          I’m not an expert birder, but the walk through John Heinz was fantastic for seeing birds. Big ones, too. Felt pretty magical.

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