Race Street Pier / Rats!

Walk Around Philadelphia Forums / History / Race Street Pier / Rats!

  • Author
      • JJ
        August 28, 2024 at 3:22 pm #72003

        Here’s an interesting tidbit of perimeter history… quite a contrast to the beautiful new park run by the DRWC that we know today:

        « In addition, the city had a rat problem, particularly along the Delaware. Rats were believed to spread disease (an outbreak of bubonic plague in San Francisco from 1900 to 1904 was tied to rats), so Philadelphia adopted several measures to combat rodents, even going so far as to establish a “rat-receiving station” in 1914 at the Race Street Pier. Operated by the Bureau of Health, the station offered Philadelphians a bounty of five cents for every live rat they turned in and two cents for every dead one. »

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